Looking for touring partners in the Spokane area!

Hey y'all, I'm located out of Spokane and looking for some new friends to get into the backcountry with. I've been riding sleds my whole life and backcountry skiing for four years with the AIARE 1 under my belt. I'm not originally from this area so I'm looking for some folks to learn the area from. I spend most days out of the Lookout Pass/Stevens Peak area but want to expand my horizons!
Hey! I'm based out of Spokane as well and have been looking for some new partners. I've got 2/3 years of BC experience, getting out to tour a few times each winter. I've got my AST1 and am familiar with a few zones in the area (Stevens, Kootenay Pass, Schweitzer backcountry). Shoot me a DM and we can connect for a tour!