Sorry we missed you in the afternoon Richard. Brandon pulled in right after you left, and the three of us ended up putting in a fairly long day. Put us back to the parking lot at 5. Sorry to hear that no one else made it out.Meet Chris & Mitch at the parking, hiked off to ski, hit some perfect corn. Got my turns in and according to my phone it was 12:30, fired up the barby, threw on some meat, and cracked a beer. Enjoyed some food and hung out till 2, no one else made it back out so dumped briquettes and headed home, only to see phone was on MT time, sorry guys I would have hung in longer. Still sun and corn snow makes it a winning day.
Sorry we missed ya and the BBQ action. We got ourselves into a long tour with numerous equipment failures on my part! Good skiing and great company though. Luke warm beer tasted amazing when we finally made it back to the parking lot!It was a beautiful day, could have sold chicken skewers to all the bikers.
Had some great corn skiing and Sun, hope your day was as enjoyable.
Would you be open to a new guy coming along? I have all safety gear, and will do my best to keep up!! My two touring trips have been sidecountry. Was really hoping for one more ski day this year.Thinking of running back in on Sunday morning for some corn. No habachi.
Would this be a dog friendly trip? Is Granite peak the destination?No worries I just ski into the scree slopes and boot pack laps until done or snow quality goes. Will be at the Pass by 8 on Sunday.
I'll see you at 8am. Thompson pass.I had no plans on putting in the time for Granite, just skiing some fresh corn before it is gone. May ski day too.
Dogs are not an issue.