Central Idaho road to snowbank opens after memorial day

This road is just south of Cascade and the same road for the Cabarton put in. The road is plowed all winter to access the radio towers but opens for public use after memorial day. There is a camping spot about half way up but no bathroom or water source. Up at blue lake is a bathroom but usually snowed in at opening. The pass at the top is at 8200'. There is a ton of terrain and lots of people take advantage of the opening. Sorry no pics, its been a few years since I've gone but heading again this year weekend after memorial. On Caltopo go just south west of the southern tip of cascade lake to view the zone. Tripod peak is another landmark.
CE98BF93-DB62-4CE2-A760-C4A637716DEE.png Went down Sunday-Tuesday, June 13-15, least amount of snow I’ve seen but still fun turns on the north facing slopes. Buddy Jeff here making his way through the rocks. Even with low snow this area is amazing and access is so easy. The road at the top has amazing views as you drive along the ridge top.
Doesn’t seem like you can drive to the top in the seven devils haha! The beauty of Snowbank is being able to drive to 8500’ and access the bowls from the top with a short walk
Looks like a great spot! Are those photos from this past weekend (6/1-6/2)? Coverage is looking pretty good - may have to make a trip down there!
My family and I made it up the Snowbank Road opening weekend this year too. We made the slushy traverse down to Blue Lake where I took a "brief" swim within the apron of open water around the ice sheet. Lots of potential up that road. I have done a bit of snowmobiling down there and the inverted wall of China that the snow blower makes along the road is always a challenge traversing.